Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Ironman Underpants Run 2005-2004

The Underpants Run
It's always a highlight of the entire Ironman Week. A protest jog against the Europeans wearing their Speedos in the supermarkets around Kailua Village, and a benefit for Hawaii Special Olympics.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Aunty Jojo's 71st Birthday Party

Aunty Jojo has been connected with Kaha'alu and the Outrigger Keauhou Beach Resort for her entire life. She was born on the property, and has performed there for many many years with her family band, Aloha Aina.
This video is a recording of her last birthday party before her untimely passing. It's filled of aloha, of spirit, of love, with music and hula.